

FIDR in Vietnam

Vietnam was one of the first countries where FIDR implemented a project. In recent years, this country has gained a reputation as a “vibrant country,” and since 1986, when it introduced a market economy system based on the Doi Moi (reform) policy, it has achieved steady economic growth.

However, when FIDR began its activities in Vietnam in 1991, the collapse of socialist regimes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe led to a significant reduction in foreign aid. As a result, Vietnam's finances were in a state of crisis, and children and people in the poor were greatly affected.

FIDR began its work in urban areas such as Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City in 1993, starting with support for institutions for handicapped children and elementary schools for the visually impaired, and the following year focused on the central region, where aid was more limited. While 75% of the Vietnamese population lives in rural areas, rapid economic growth has been accompanied by a widening economic gap between urban and rural areas, and rural poverty, especially in mountainous areas, is still a major problem today.

In 1998, FIDR established an office in Da Nang City, the largest city in the central region, and since then has continued to provide assistance to mountain minority peoples and the urban poor from this base.

Basic data

Country name Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
The capital Hanoi
Area 331,230㎢(Approximately 90% the size of Japan)
Population 95,546,000(Approximately 75% the population of Japan)
Ethnicities Kinh (approx. 85%), 53 other ethnic minorities
The official language Vietnamese
religion Buddhism, Catholicism, Hoa Hao, Cao Dai, etc.
Gross National Income (GNI) per capita USD 6,930(Japan:USD 44,380)(*1)
Primary Industries Agriculture, Mining (Petroleum), Sewing, Tourism
Human Development Index Rank 118(Out of 189 countries)

(*1)UNICEF “The State of the World’s Children 2019” (*2)World Bank “World Development Report” (2018) (*3)United Nations Development Programme “Human Development Index 2019”

Where We Work

Projects in Progress

  • Vietnam

    Improving Living Conditions and Children's Nutrition in Central Vietnam

  • Vietnam

    Integrated Rural Development for Sustainable Growth in Central Vietnam

  • Vietnam

    Community Development in Coffee-Growing Regions of Son La Province

  • Vietnam

    Support for Women and Children in Da Nang City

Past Projects

  • Vietnam

    Food Production Support in the Central Highlands

  • Vietnam

    Food Production Support in the Central Mountainous Region

  • Vietnam

    Tourism Development for Revitalization of Ethnic Minority Areas in Vietnam

  • Vietnam

    Regional Revitalization Support in Nam Dan District

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Issues We Work on

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  • Vietnam

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